Site Investigation
We offer a varierty of exploratory ground investigative methods which range from a single trial pit to expose existing building foundations, through to cable percussive boreholes and in situ testing. The samples obtained from one of the above methods are tested in our in-house geotechnical laboratory or submitted to a UKAS accredited lab for environmental testing.
We can provide an interpretative or factual report based upon our clients' requirements. Every report is subject to technical review by a senior engineer prior to issue. Each project is managed by an experienced Geotechnical Engineer who acts as the single point of contact throughout the project.
Techniques and Methods
Light Cable Percussive (Shell and Auger)
Demountable (cut-down) Cable Percussive Rig
Window Sampling
Windowless Sampling (Compact Premier/Terrier Rigs)
Dynamic Probing (DPH/DPSH/SPT)
Concrete Coring
Hand Augering
Trial Pits (Hand dug and mechanical)
Soakaway Infiltration Testing (BRE365)
Standpipe and Monitoring Well Installation
Ground, Landfill Gas and Vapour Monitoring