Site Investigation

The investigation of a site is typically a phased process, which begins with the Phase 1 Desk Study followed by an exploratory Phase 2 ground investigation with additional phases depending on the findings. We can advise on the scope of works required based upon your development or the information requested.

Contaminated Land/Geo-environmental Assessment

We are experienced in undertaking phased assessments from initial preliminary risk assessment (Phase 1 Desk Study) through to intrusive investigation (Phase 2) and if neccesary, any further investigation, remedial and validation work (Phases 3/4). We maintain a range of specialist equipment for carrying out ground gas assessments including an accredited GFM435 analyser and a MINIRAE PID meter.

Soil Waste Classification

Where soil material arising from development cannot be reused on site then disposal off site is required. Previously developed sites the unwanted soils require chemical characterisation to establish if it is classed as non-hazardous or hazardous waste. If disposal to landfill is required then waste acceptance criteria (WAC) may be neccesary, depending on the soil classification.

Subsidence/Ground Movement Surveys

We have a great deal of experience in assessing the causes of subsidence damage or ground movement. There can be a number of reasons for structural movement, such as the desiccation of clay soils through the action of tree growth, ground dissolution features within chalk or differential settlement due to inadequate founding medium or foundation depth. We can advise on an appropiate investigation to establish the likely causal factors, this may include hand dug trial pits to establish the depth of existing foundations and soil desiccation surveys.

Geotechnical Consultancy

Our staff have experience in assessing ground conditions to provide foundation bearing capacity and depth, road/pavement construction thickness, soakaway drainage and retaining wall parameters.